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Guests of Rotary Club York - February 2018

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Under the Mango Tree - An unusual name for a small charity, and it's founder Gordon Atkinson, our speaker on February 23rd, explained it's origins and the work it does in supporting the Kambe Timboni school in Kenya, where he first visited and saw children in the village getting "education" sitting under this tree. 

500,000 children in Kenya do not go to school. Whilst village elders are often not educated, they do value the importance of education, and as long as the Kenyan government can not fully support schooling financially, charities such as Gordon's make an invaluable contribution, both in building and equipping schools such as this, and providing meals for the children whilst they attend. 

Gordon explained that while much has been done, there is still much to do to improve sanitation, handwashing and additional classroom faciltiies at Kambe Timboni. 

Rotary Club York
Clearly "Under the Mango Tree" is a labour of love for Gordon and his wife Angela.

Gordon & Angela thank the Rotary Club of York for its very warm welcome and thank the members for their support.

Rotary Club York 2

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